Fig. 2
Expression of GFI-family transcription factors are dysregulated in lsd1 mutants
(A–F) Whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) of embryos derived from an incross of either kdm1a(23095) heterozygotes (A–C) or kdm1a(36433) heterozygotes (D–F) using probes to detect gfi1aa (A and D), gfi1ab (B and E), or gfi1b (C and F), as indicated. Representative images are shown with the number of animals with similar staining patterns for the indicated genotype shown in the upper right corner of each image. The lower left corner indicates the approximate stage of the animal at the time of fixation. Embryos were imaged, blindly scored by expression levels and then genotyped by HRMA. Carons indicate ICM expression; closed arrowheads indicate posterior blood island/caudal hematopoietic tissue; narrow triangles indicate inner-hair-cell expression. Scale bar, 200 μm.