Figure 5

Figures for Keseroglu et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 5

Cell segmentation for analysis and finding PSM-somite border

(A) Split image into four images using “Crop 3D”. One of the her1ci301;her7hu2526 mutant embryos is used as a repesentative sample.

(B) Segmented cells are seen in the Right-Anterior, Right-Posterior, Left-Anterior, and Left-Posterior of the tissue.

(C) An example of XLS file, which includes statistics of “Cell Number of Vesicles”, “Cell Position”, and “Cell Volume”.

(D) Measurement points for anterior PSM border.

(E and F) Add X and Y data of the points in the “Somite” sheet of the (E) left-anterior and (F) right-anterior XLS file.

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