Fig. 1

Figures for Hall et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Fig. 1 An in vivo system for T-tubule development.

ae The CaaX domain from Hras marks both sarcolemma and T-tubule. Markers were screened at 48 hpf for T-tubule specificity on a stable transgenic background expressing Bin1b-Citrine from the endogenous locus. a CaaX domain from Hras (tH). b CaaX domain from Kras (tK). c Myristoylation domain from ARF5. d BODIPY-TR vital dye. e GPI anchor from zebrafish folate receptor gamma. f Time course of tubule formation using stable EGFP-CaaX background. All images are representative of 12 individual cells within different individual animals. See also Supplementary Movies 1 and 2. Scale bars; (ae) 10 µm, (f) 50 μm.

Figure Data
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