Fig. 6
Endothelial‐specific excision of the Tg(ubi:loxP‐ift54‐loxP‐myr‐mcherry,myl7:EGFP)sh488transgene causes no apparent further impairment to secondary caudal fin vasculature in ift54tp49; Tg(ubi:loxP‐ift54‐loxP‐myr‐mcherry,myl7:EGFP)sh488 fish. A: SPIM stack projections of endothelial cells marked with Clover expression in the caudal fin of 10‐dpf and 14‐dpf Tg(ubi:loxP‐ift54‐loxP‐myr‐mcherry,myl7:EGFP)sh488 /+;Tg(kdrl:cre)s898 /+;Tg(fli1a:LIFEACT‐clover)sh467 /+ fish, showing endothelial‐specific Clover and myr‐mcherry expression. B: SPIM stack projections of endothelial cells marked with Clover in the caudal fin of 14‐dpf ift54 tp49; Tg(ubi:loxP‐ift54‐loxP‐myr‐mcherry,myl7:EGFP)sh488 /+;Tg(fli1a:LIFEACT‐clover)sh467 /+ (ift54−/−; ubi:ift54) and ift54 tp49; Tg(ubi:loxP‐ift54‐loxP‐myr‐mcherry,myl7:EGFP)sh488 /+;Tg(kdrl:cre)s898/+;Tg(fli1a:LIFEACT‐clover)sh467 /+ (ift54−/−; ubi:ift54; kdrl:cre). The secondary caudal fin vasculature forms in the absence of endothelial ift54 function. C: SPIM stack projections of endothelial cells marked with Clover in the caudal fin of 13‐dpf ift54 tp49; Tg(ubi:loxP‐ift54‐loxP‐myr‐mcherry,myl7:EGFP)sh488 /+;Tg(fli1a:LIFEACT‐clover)sh467 /+ (ift54−/−; ubi:ift54) and ift54 tp49; Tg(ubi:loxP‐ift54‐loxP‐myr‐mcherry,myl7:EGFP)sh488 /+;Tg(kdrl:cre)s898 /+;Tg(fli1a:LIFEACT‐clover)sh467 /+ (ift54−/−; ubi:ift54; kdrl:cre) fish. The Tg(kdrl:cre)s898 /+ caused no apparent impairment to the developing fin vascular bed in the fish with partial transgenic rescue of ift54 tp49. Chart shows caudal fin vessel bed relative areas measured from SPIM images. Overlay shows median and interquartile range. Two‐tailed Mann‐Whitney test P = 0.7223