Molecular markers of epidermal sheaths in larval zebrafish.
( A) Schematic of the bilayered larval zebrafish epidermis at the indicated stages based on the ultrastructural analysis (O'Brien et al., 2012). ( B–G) Maximum intensity projections of confocal z-stacks showing lateral views through the epidermis at 24 hpf ( B,D,F) or 72 hpf ( C, E, G). Fluorescent reporters for PIP2 ( B, C), F-actin ( D, E), and α-catenin ( F, G) are shown. Note the appearance of linear domains of each reporter through the apical basal cell membrane (green arrowheads) at the later time-point. Cyan arrows indicate basal lateral cell borders. Yellow arrows indicate periderm lateral cell borders. ( H, I) Dual-labeling of epidermal sheaths and trigeminal sensory neurons. tdTomato-labeled trigeminal sensory neurons (magenta) together with the PIP2 reporter GFP-PH-PLC in basal cells at 46 hpf ( H) or α-catenin-Citrine in both periderm and basal cells ( I) at 73 hpf. Inset 1, examples of axons not associated with PIP2 ( H) or α-catenin ( I) enrichment. Inset 2, examples of axon-associated PIP2 ( H) or α-catenin ( I) enrichment. White dashed lines and arrowheads indicate examples of ensheathment channels containing labeled axons. Yellow lines indicate planes of orthogonal sections. ( J, K) tdTomato-labeled posterior lateral line axons (magenta) labeled by transient injection of a neurod:mTangerine plasmid are shown together with GFP-PH-PLC signal in basal cells (green) at 78 hpf in either DMSO- or AG1478-treated embryos. AG1478 treatment prevents the repositioning of the posterior lateral line nerve below the epidermis (Raphael et al., 2010), resulting in the indentation of basal cell membranes, but did not trigger the accumulation of the PIP2 reporter GFP-PH-PLC. Arrowheads indicate ensheathment channels along the apical surface of basal cells. Cyan arrows indicate basal cell lateral borders. Yellow lines indicate planes of orthogonal sections. Note that because of the markers used, somatosensory and lateral line axons are sparsely labeled. Details of zebrafish experimental genotypes are provided in Supplementary file 2.