Angiogenesis deficits of gipc1skt1 and gipc2 skt3/skt4 mutants at 32 hpf.
(A–C) Confocal lateral images of the trunk vasculature (green) of 32 hpf embryos (region dorsal to the yolk extension). Anterior, left; dorsal, up. Scale bars (white horizontal lines), 100 μm. Genotypes indicated on top of each image in yellow font. Angiogenesis deficits are indicated as follows: white asterisks (DLAV gaps), magenta asterisks (truncated Se), white greater/less-than signs (thin Se). In the WT image (A), the vessels are designated with the white font as follows: DLAV (Dorsal Longitudinal Anastomotic Vessel), Se (Segmental Vessel), DA (Dorsal Aorta), and PCV (Posterior Cardinal Vein). Related to Figure 4.
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