Fig. 6
Loss of fgf3-/- causes increased support cell proliferation during homeostasis and regeneration.
(A–B) Spatial analysis of amplifying (red squares), differentiation (green triangles) cell divisions and quiescent mantle cells (blue X’s) in sibling and fgf3-/- neuromasts during homeostasis. Quiescent and BrdU-positive cells from 18 neuromasts are superimposed onto the same X-Y plane. N.S. = not significant. (A’–B’’) Rose diagrams of the angular positions of BrdU(+) support cells (red) or hair cells (green) in sibling and fgf3-/- during homeostasis. D/V clustering and directional bias to the posterior was analyzed with a Binomial distribution test, *p<0.05, **p<0.008. (C–D) Spatial analysis of amplifying and differentiation cell divisions or quiescent mantle cells in sibling and fgf3-/- 24 hrs post neomycin. (C’–D’’) Rose diagrams of the angular positions of BrdU-positive support cells or hair cells in sibling or fgf3-/- 24 hrs post neomycin. D/V clustering and directional bias to the posterior was analyzed with a Binomial distribution test, ****p<0.00001, **p<0.008 (E) BrdU index of amplifying, differentiating and total cell divisions in sibling and fgf3-/- during homeostasis. Error bars show 95% CI. p-value determined by unpaired t-test, *p<0.03, **p<0.007. (F) BrdU index of amplifying, differentiating and total cell divisions in siblings and fgf3-/- mutants during 24 hrs post neomycin treatment. Error bars show 95% CI. p-value determined by unpaired t-test, ***p<0.0005, ****p<0.0001. (G–H) Alkaline phosphatase staining of sibling or fgfr1a-/-/fgfr2-/- at 5dpf. (I) Quantification of total neuromast cell number at 5dpf in siblings, fgfr2-/-, fgfr1a-/- and fgfr1a-/-/fgfr2-/-. Error bars show 95% CI. p-value determined by unpaired t-test, **p<0.007, ****p<0.0001. (J–K) Spatial analysis of all cell divisions (orange squares) or quiescent cells (grey X) in sibling or fgfr1a/fgfr2-/-during homeostasis. (L) EdU index of total cell divisions in siblings and fgfr1a/fgfr2-/- mutants during homeostasis. Error bars show 95% CI. p-value determined by unpaired t-test, *p=0.03.