Fig. 4
Effects of combinatorial loss of E2f4 and E2f5 on the MCC transcriptional program in the pronephros and nasal placode. A-D: At 48 hpf, expression of mci (A, B) as well as foxj1b were completely absent in e2f4+/-; e2f5-/- pronephros (C, D). Regions populated with positively labelled cells are flanked by black arrowheads. E, F: At 72 hpf, foxj1a is exclusively expressed on the lateral side of the nasal placodes (E), but was absent in e2f4+/-; e2f5-/- (F) embryos. G, H: At 72 hpf, foxj1b is expressed more widely than foxj1a, found both on the lateral side and within the placode. While the signals on the lateral side (where MCCs predominantly reside, black arrows) were absent in e2f4+/-; e2f5-/- (black arrows), staining of non-MCC cells remained unchanged (white arrowheads). I-L: foxj1a expression was absent at 72 hpf in gmnc embryos (I, J), where similar loss of foxj1b on the lateral side was also observed (K, L). Scale bars = 20 µm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 443(2), Chong, Y.L., Zhang, Y., Zhou, F., Roy, S., Distinct requirements of E2f4 versus E2f5 activity for multiciliated cell development in the zebrafish embryo, 165-172, Copyright (2018) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.