Fig. 5
Dox-induced down-regulation of genes in three single-inserted example mutants inhibits adult caudal fin regeneration. (A) Adult caudal fin failed to regenerate after Dox-treatment in three mutant lines pIDM-A1 (nid2a), pIDM (faf1), and pIDM (grb14) at 9 days post amputation (dpa). Black arrow, cutting site. (B) All three genes were induced in wild-type caudal fins after amputation. The WT caudal fin was sampled at indicated time points after amputation and subjected to a WISH assay with the corresponding anti-sense RNA probes as indicated. Black arrow, cutting site; Red arrow, positive signal. (C) Dox-induced down-regulation of the entrapped genes is found in respective transgenic mutant lines compared with wild-type fins with or without Dox or control transgenic fins without Dox by WISH assay. The amputated caudal fin was sampled at 2 or 3 dpa. Black arrow, cutting site; Red arrow, positive signal. In a–c, representative fish are shown, the number of fish showing the displayed phenotype versus total fish examined are provided in the corresponding panels.