Fig. 7 S2
Prostaglandin treatment shifts the distal early and restricts the distal late in sim1a morphants.
(A) Embryos were microinjected with the sim1a MO and treated with 100 µM dmPGE2 or 1% DMSO from 4 hpf to 24 hpf. WISH was then used to label for the PCT (slc20a1a), DE (slc12a1), and DL (slc12a3) (purple) and the somites (smyhc1) (red) at the 24 hpf stage. Black bars indicate segment gene expression domain. Red scale bar, 70 µm. (B) Segments were quantified in triplicate with at least 20 embryos per control and experimental group. Data are represented as ± SD, significant by t test comparing each drug treatment to the corresponding DMSO control group, *p<0.05, **p<0.005, ***p<0.0005, where n.s. indicates not significant.