Fig. 6
Effects of coasy-MO microinjection in the transgenic line Tg(fli1a:EGFP- gata1a:DsRed).
Lateral views of the trunk/tail regions of Tg(fli1a:EGFP-gata1a:DsRed) embryos injected with either ST-MO (a,d) or coasy-MO (b,c,e,f) at 1.2 pmol/embryo, eventually exposed to CoA in fish water (c,f) and analyzed at 40 hpf. fli1a (EGFP) marks vascular development, and gata-1 (DsRed) marks red blood cells. In coasy morphants compromission of the vascular system and particularly of the intersegmental vessels is evident (c,d) and associated with reduction in the number of blood cell (e,f). Results are from one representative experiment with at least 80 embryos out of three independent replicates.