Fig. S2
RT-PCR expression analysis of slc7a6os embryonic and adult zebrafish.
(A) Real-Time PCR expression analysis of slc7a6os throughout Danio rerio development. All reactions were run in triplicate. The relative expression levels, represented as the mean±SEM in log2 scale, were determined with respect to the 1-cell stage and normalized to elongation factor 1α (ef1α). (B) RT-PCR expression analysis of slc7a6os in adult zebrafish tissues. Beta-actin was also amplified as housekeeping gene internal control. 1: brain; 2: intestine; 3: eye; 4: heart; 5: kidney; 6: swim bladder; 7: branchias; 8: testis; 9: ovary; 10: negative control.