Fig. 9
Postchordal neurocranial development does not require brachury function or a notochord. Anterior is to the left in all panels. (A-B, A′-B′) hyaluronan synthetase 2 (has2) is expressed in cephalic regions at 10 h post-fertilization (hpf) in both wildtypes and brachury mutants. (C and D) The late chondrogenic marker col2a1a at 24 hpf appears in both brachury mutants and siblings in the forming postchordal area of the developing embryo (compare D to C, arrowhead in C denotes anterior notochord). (E and F) At 5 days post-fertilization, postchordal neurocrania of brachury mutants are normal, sans notochord, compared to siblings (compare F to E). scale bar=50 µm in A and 10 µm in A′ and C and 20 µm in E.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 415(2), McCarthy, N., Sidik, A., Bertrand, J.Y., Eberhart, J.K., An Fgf-Shh signaling hierarchy regulates early specification of the zebrafish skull, 261-77, Copyright (2016) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.