Fig. 2 Expression of slc7a6os by whole-mount in situ hybridization at different stages during zebrafish development.
Embryos at (A) 0.2 hpf (1–2 cell stage); (B) 3 hpf, (high stage); (C) 10 hpf (bud stage); (D) 12 hpf (6 somites), (E) 18 hpf (18 somites), (F)(G) 22 hpf (26 somites), (H) 24 hpf, (I) 28 hpf; (L) 48 hpf were examined by whole-mount in situ hybridization with an antisense slc7a6os riboprobe. The maternal origin of slc7a6os transcript is supported by its presence at 1–2 cells stage and high stage at the animal pole (A, B); at bud stage the hybridization signal is present in the midline (C). During early somitogenesis stages (D, E) the slc7a6os transcript is detectable ubiquitously in the rostral part of the embryo. At the end of somitogenesis the hybridization signal is more intense in structures of the developing central nervous system (F, G). A lateral view of embryos demonstrates the remarkable slc7a6os expression in defined brain regions at 24 hpf (H). Later on, at 28 (I) and 48 hpf (L) the gene expression is maintained in spinal cord neurons and in central nervous system structures. Abbreviations: d, diencephalon; m, midbrain; h, hindbrain; c, cerebellum; t, telencephalon; s, somites; scn, spinal cord neurons; r, rhombomeres.