Fig. 2 Early onset of reporter expression allows to monitor budding and early relocation of thyroid in live tg(tg:mCherry) embryos. (A) Lateral view of a live tg(tg:mCherry) embryo at 45 hpf showing strong red fluorescence in the thyroid primordium (arrow) during thyroid budding. ((B)–(D)) Stills from a time-lapse movie showing thyroid budding and detachment from the pharyngeal floor in a tg(tg:mCherry;sox17:EGFP) embryo. EGFP labels the pharyngeal endoderm. Live imaging was started at 44 hpf and lasted for 10 h. The timer indicates the time elapsed since the beginning of live imaging. Lateral views are shown, anterior is to the left. The asterix denotes the position of pharyngeal pouch 1. The dotted line facilitates visualization of relative thyroid bud (arrow in (B)) movement. ((E)-(G)) The thyroid primordium maintains epithelial characteristics during budding and relocation into the subpharyngeal mesenchyme as demonstrated by E-cadherin expression. Confocal images of sagittal vibratome sections are shown for tg(tg:mCherry) embryos after IF staining for mCherry and E-cadherin. Anterior is to the left and dorsal is up. Scale bar: 50 μM in B-D; 20 μM in (E)-(G).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 372(2), Opitz, R., Maquet, E., Huisken, J., Antonica, F., Trubiroha, A., Pottier, G., Janssens, V., and Costagliola, S., Transgenic zebrafish illuminate the dynamics of thyroid morphogenesis and its relationship to cardiovascular development, 203-216, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.