Fig. 4
Fig. 4 Loss of Chd7 results in asymmetric expression of somitogenesis patterning genes. A,D,G,J,M: Expression of cdx1a, dlc, her7, mespa, and ripply1 in control morpholino injected zebrafish embryos is largely symmetric in the somites, presomitic mesoderm, and tail bud at the 13-somite stage of development. B,E,H,K,N: Knockdown of Chd7 by chd7 translation blocking morpholino injection results in a loss of symmetric expression of cdx1a, dlc, her7, mespa, and ripply1 in zebrafish at the 13 somite stage. C,F,I,L,O: Graphs represent the percentage of animals exhibiting asymmetric gene expression in chd7 morphants (dark gray bar) and control morphants (light gray bar). Scale bar = 200 μm. *equals significance at the α = 0.05 level, **equals significance at α = 0.01, ***equals significance at α > 0.001.