Fig. 2

Figures for Seth et al., 2010
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

Knockdown of zfFucT8 leads to early midline defects. A: Ventral views of 48-hpf morphant embryos showing mild cyclopia (i.e., close-set eyes), and a smaller forebrain (arrow). B: Forty-eight-hpf FucT8 morphants have a curved body axis with U-shaped somites (inset), as well as (C) “swelling” in the hindbrain ventricle (arrowhead). D: AAL lectin stains α1,6 fucosyl residues in the eye, which is reduced to background levels in morpholino-injected embryos as compared to control-injected, or no lectin, controls. More than 500 embryos were injected with FucT8 MOs, of which 85-90% demonstrated the mutant phenotype.

Figure Data
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