Fig. 1 two of hearts and miles apart Mutant Phenotypes
Comparison of WT (A–C), toh mutant (D–F), and mil/s1p2 mutant (G–I) embryos.
(A, D, and G) Lateral brightfield images, anterior to the left, at 36 hpf show pericardial edema (arrow) and epidermal blisters (insets, arrowheads) in the tails of tohsk12 (D) and mil/s1p2m93 (G) mutants.
(B, E and H) Examination of cmlc2 expression at 19 hpf shows heart-ring formation in WT embryos (B) and a failure in precardiac-mesoderm migration in tohs420 (E) and mil/s1p2m93 (H) mutant embryos. Dorsal views with anterior upwards.
(C, F and I) Visualization of the anterior endoderm by Tg(-0.7her5:EGFP)ne2067 expression at 18 hpf. In embryos injected with toh (F) and mil/s1p2 (I) MOs, numerous gaps (arrowheads) appear in the endodermal sheet, which is also irregularly shaped. The most anterior region of mil/s1p2 morphants lacks GFP+ endodermal cells at the midline (asterisk). Dorsal views with anterior upwards.