Fig. S4
Controls for morpholino mediated knock-down of itgα7 and mlp. A,C) RTpcr on cDNA of itgα7-splice MO (A) or mlp-splice MO (B) injected embryos shows severe reduction of the amount of wt transcript compared to uninjected control embryos (uic). As a control for the amount of cDNA, RT-PCR for ef1α was performed. Larger transcript are observed in both the itgα7- splice MO and mlp- splice MO injected embryos (asterisk). Sequencing of these larger PCR product confirmed the defective splicing of both transcripts resulting in a introduction of a premature stop codon. The arrowhead indicates an nonspecific PCR product.
B,D) Genomic sequence of itgα7 exon1-intron1 boundary (B) and mlp exon3-intron3 boundary (D) with MO-target site indicated (in blue) and the premature stop codon present in the intron (in red).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 318(1), Postel, R., Vakeel, P., Topczewski, J., Knöll, R., and Bakkers, J., Zebrafish integrin-linked kinase is required in skeletal muscles for strengthening the integrin-ECM adhesion complex, 92-101, Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.