Fig. 2 Dynamic Expression of Notch Components in the IM and Pronephric Duct(A–D) notch1a (A) and notch3 (C) are expressed in the IM at 10 ss. notch1a (B) is expressed in the distal duct region from somite 10 to 14 (see also Figure S3B) at 18 ss, and notch3 (D) is expressed in the whole duct from somite 3 to 20 at 24 hpf as indicated by the arrows. (E–G) jagged2a expression in the IM appears gradually from anterior to posterior from 5 ss (E) (as indicated by the arrow) to 10 ss (F), and reaches the posterior by 15 ss (G). (H–K) jagged2a expression is higher in some cells (arrows point to these cells in [I], which is magnified from [H]) than in neighboring cells in the distal duct at 17 ss (H and I), and transcription is limited to individual cells from 20 ss (J), to 24 hpf (K), to at least 36 hpf (unpublished data) in the demarcated region from somite 8 to 14 (see also Figure S3D and S3F) as indicated by arrows. (L and M) her9 is expressed in the distal pronephric duct at 18 ss (L) from somite 10 to 12 (Figure S3H) and at 21 hpf (M). The arrowhead marks the glomerulus, and arrows demarcate the her9 expression region. Left and right inserts in (M) are the magnified images in the glomerulus and distal duct, respectively. All embryos, anterior to the left. (A), (C), and (E–I) are dorsal views; the rest are lateral views. Bar scale: 200 μm (A, C, and E), 110 μm (B and D), 180 μm (F), 230 μm (G and H), 90 μm (I), 115 μm (J), 190 μm (K), and 100 μm (L and M).
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