Fig. 5

Kudoh et al., 2024 - Genomic screening of fish-specific genes in gnathostomes and their functions in fin development
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Fig. 5

Functional analysis of qkia. (a) Expression pattern of qkia in the developing zebrafish embryo detected by in situ hybridization. Asterisks indicate qkia expression in the zebrafish myotome at 48 hpf (left) and the pectoral fin muscles at 48 hpf and 96 hpf (middle and right). (b) Whole body view of control and qkia knockout zebrafish embryos at 5 dpf. (c) Trunk muscle shown by fluorescence immunohistochemistry with F310 at 27 hpf and 5 dpf. Lateral views; the anterior side is on the left. (d) Fluorescence immunohistochemistry of 5 dpf F0 pectoral fins with F310 to label fast muscle (upper) and 14 dpf pectoral fins with phalloidin to label F-actin (lower). The 5 dpf control image is flipped horizontally. (e) Sequence of the mutated site in a qkia mutant line. Blue indicates sgRNA target sequences and red indicates the inserted sequence. (f) Fluorescence immunohistochemistry of a 5 dpf control and an F2 qkia mutant pectoral fin with F310. Scale bars: (a) leftmost panel, 500 μm; (a) middle and rightmost panels, 200 μm; (b), 1.0 mm; (c, d, f), 50 μm.

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