Fig. 5

Shen et al., 2024 - MicroRNA-9 promotes axon regeneration of mauthner-cell in zebrafish via her6/ calcium activity pathway
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Fig. 5

her6 regulates Mauthner-cell axon regeneration in vivo. a Construction of the her6 expression system. Plasmids express only mCherry served as the control vector. b Quantitative RT-PCR analysis exhibited overexpression of her6 in 4 dpf zebrafish larvae by the vector-based her6 oe in vivo. p = 0.0012. Assessed by unpaired t-test. c, dher6 overexpression inhibits M-cell axon regeneration (control: 255.8 ± 19.62 μm, n = 16 fish; her6 oe: 19.18 ± 9.603 μm, n = 16 fish). White asterisk: ablation point; arrowhead, axon regeneration terminal. scale bar, 50 μm. p < 0.0001. Assessed by unpaired t-test. e Design of the her6 shRNA expression system based on the miR-30e backbone. Plasmids express only mCherry served as the control vector. f Quantitative RT-PCR analysis exhibited a reduction of her6 in 4 dpf zebrafish larvae by the vector-based her6 shRNA-11 in vivo. p = 0.0019. Assessed by unpaired t-test. g, h Decreased expression of her6 inhibits M-cell axon regeneration (control: 253 ± 26.51 μm n = 15 fish; her6 shRNA-11: 442.7 ± 47.6 μm, n = 15 fish). White asterisk: ablation point; arrowhead, axon regeneration terminal. scale bar, 50 μm. p = 0.0017. Assessed by unpaired t-test

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