Ramli et al., 2024 - Piezo1 mutant zebrafish as a model of idiopathic scoliosis
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Introducing functional piezo1 gene or increasing muscle mass can alleviate scoliosis symptoms. (A) Schematic diagram of rescue plasmid. Notably, sp7/osterix promoter was used to express functional piezo1 gene. (B) Comparison of 3D reconstruction of micro-CT images. (C) Quantification of TMD from 5 individual segments of abdominal vertebrae of wildtype (N = 6), piezo111aa del/11aa del mutant (N = 8), rescue mutant fish (N = 6), and double mutant of piezo111aa del/11aa del; mstnb−/−(N = 5). (D) Combined Cobb angle of piezo111aa del/11aa del mutant (N = 8) rescue mutant fish (N = 7), and double mutant of piezo111aa del/11aa del; mstnb−/− (N = 6). (E) Sagittal section of the spine. Rescue mutant and piezo111aa del/11aa del; mstnb−/− have reduced the number of bone with IVD calcification (white arrows). (F) Graph depicting the percentage of bone with IVD calcification across bone segments 9 to 31. Values are presented as mean ± SD and analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test. ns = non-significant; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; ****p < 0.0001.

Expression Data

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Observed In:
Stage: Adult

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