Fig. 3

Ramírez-Vidal et al., 2023 - Betaglycan promoter activity is differentially regulated during myogenesis in zebrafish embryo somites
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Fig. 3

tgfbr3 promoter drives reporter expression during embryonic development. (A) p3.2tgfbr3:nls-mCherry:polyA reporter plasmid was injected in single cell zebrafish embryos, resulting in the mCherry mosaic expression at later stages. (B, C) 48 hpf embryos display mCherry in the head and skeletal muscle cells (SM) in somites resembling the aspect of superficial slow muscle fibers. (D, E) 72 hpf zebrafish embryos with reporter expression in skeletal muscle (SM), otic vesicle (OV), pronephric duct (PD), and heart (H). All images were acquired in a stereoscopic microscope Nikon SM1500. Scale bars: 400 μm in (B); 50 μm in (C, D); and 200 μm in (E).

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