Fig. 5

Gafranek et al., 2023 - Sinus venosus adaptation models prolonged cardiovascular disease and reveals insights into evolutionary transitions of the vertebrate heart
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Fig. 5

Blood sinuses of the tunicate heart have conserved expression of genes found in the teleost BA and SV.

a Schematic summarizing the regions of the adult Ciona heart that were harvested for bulk RNA-seq. Pharyngeal blood sinus (PS), stomach blood sinus (SS), and cardiac tube (C). Mc – myocardial tissue (dark gray), Pc – pericardium (red), PcB – pericardial body. b Heatmap showing the expression of representative genes found in the C, PS, and SS of the adult Ciona heart. c Heatmap showing the expression of homologous genes to those in Ciona found in the V, A, BA, and SV of WT adult zebrafish hearts. d Summary depicting the adaptive response whereby the SV thickens due to proliferation from SMCs in nr2f1aaco mutants. e Evolutionary model depicting the heart of the Ciona with bi-direction flow and the adaptive response in nr2f1aaco mutants to regurgitation whereby the heart comes to resemble characteristics of the Ciona heart with equivalency in the sinuses at the arterial and venous poles.

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