Fig. 2

Banse et al., 2023 - Secreted Aeromonas GlcNAc binding protein GbpA stimulates epithelial cell proliferation in the zebrafish intestine
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Fig. 2

A. veronii gbpA encodes the secreted pro-proliferative factor that stimulates intestinal epithelial cell proliferation. (a0 The major protein constituents of ammonium sulfate fractions of A. veronii CFS separated by SDS-PAGE and visualized with Coomassie Brilliant Blue, with the corresponding proliferation and hemolysis activity of each fraction indicated below. (b) Schematic of the shared domain architecture of A. veronii and V. cholerae GbpA proteins, with the amino acid identity indicated for each of the four protein domains. (c) Quantification of proximal intestinal epithelial cell proliferation in 8 dpf CV larvae and 8 dpf GF larvae untreated or exposed from 6 dpf to CFS from WT or ∆gbpA A. veronii. Boxplot whiskers represent range. Groups with different letter designations are statistically different with a p value of < 0.05 whereas groups with the same letter are not significantly different.

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