Fig. 2

Truchado-García et al., 2022 - A small change with a twist ending - a single residue in EGF-CFC drives Bilaterian asymmetry
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Fig. 2

Cfo-nodalB expression suggests involvement in LRA development. (A–C) Spatio-temporal localization of (A) Cfo-nodalA, (B) Cfo-nodalB, and (C) Pitx mRNA by WISH during the development of Crepidula fornicata. Several views of the same embryo for each stage are indicated on the figure. bl, blastopore; L, left; R, right; sg, shell gland; st, stomodeum. A, B, C, and D indicate the quadrants; hpf, hours post fertilization; bilateral axis is represented by the vertical bars. Scale corresponds to 30 μm. (A) Note that the expression is symmetrical in all the stages (blue arrowheads); orange arrowhead, shell gland. In (B), superpositions of brightfield images with Hoechst staining have been included for early stages, to identify the cells. Note that the expression is asymmetrical in all the stages (blue arrowheads). (C) Pink arrowhead, symmetrical signals; blue arrowhead, asymmetrical signals; orange arrowhead, shell gland.

Expression Data

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Antibody Labeling
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Phenotype Detail
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