Fig. 8
Adult retinae displayed normal cell distribution and vessel morphology. A) Light-microscopical analysis of retinal digests showed unchanged vasculature. Black arrow: vascular mural cell, white arrow: endothelial cell, red arrow: erythrocyte. Scale bar = 100 μm. B) Vascular mural cell count remained unchanged in glo2−/− retinae. C) Endothelial cell count remained equally unchanged in glo2−/− retinae. D) Vessel diameter also remained unchanged in glo2−/− retinae. One datapoint represents the measurements in one 100 μm grid square. N = 3/4. For statistical analysis normality tests were used for all samples, followed by unpaired t-test (B, C, D). Data presented as mean ± SD. ns = p > 0.05. vMC: vascular mural cells, EC: endothelial cells. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) |