Fig. 1.
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-230217-184
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- Tamaki et al., 2023 - Splashed E-box and AP-1 motifs cooperatively drive regeneration response and shape regeneration abilities
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Regeneration-dependent response of the fn1b promoter. (A) Regeneration of adult fish fin and larval fin fold, and amputation-induced EGFP expression in the Tg(fn1b:egfp). (B) Harr-plot analysis of E2, E4, E5, and E6 with the TEs, hAT-N21B_DR, HE1_DR1, DNA-X-4_DR, and TDR7, respectively. (C) Procedure of transgenic EGFP reporter assay. (D,E) EGFP induction in the larval fin fold (left) and adult fin (middle and right) of respective Tgs. n=2 Tg lines. Right panels, higher magnification of adult fin. zns5, osteoblasts. EGFP expression was induced in the WE (D) and blastema (E), but no detectable EGFP expression was observed in other tissues. Arrowhead, amputation plane; *, fin ray; white arrows, EGFP in the basal epidermis; red arrows, EGFP in the fin ray mesenchyme and blastema. Scale bars: 50 µm (left panels), 500 µm (middle panels), and 100 µm (sections). |