Fig. 4

Wullimann, 2022 - The neuromeric/prosomeric model in teleost fish neurobiology
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Fig. 4

Development of larval zebrafish subpallium. Transverse sections show precommissural (a) and commissural (b) telencephalon, as well as medial amygdala and eminentia thalami in early mouse and zebrafish postcommissural telencephalon (c) with critical gene expression [modified from Gerlach and Wullimann, 2021; see there for more references on mouse and zebrafish gene expression]. Solid arrows designate radial migrations, dotted arrows designate tangential migrations. ac, anterior commissure; CGE, caudal ganglionic eminence; Dl, lateral zone of dorsal telencephalic area; Dm, medial zone of dorsal telencephalic area; DP, dorsal pallium (isocortex); DT, dorsal thalamus; ENv, ventral entopeduncular nucleus; EmT, eminentia thalami; Hy, hypothalamus; lfb, lateral forebrain bundle; LVe, lateral (telencephalic) ventricle; M3, early larval migration zone of eminentia thalami (= ENv); M4, early larval telencephalic migration zone (subpallial); MeA, medial amygdala; MP, medial pallium; Po, preoptic area (zebra­fish); POA, anterior preoptic area (mouse); Pr, pretectum; Sd, larval dorsal part of subpallium; Sdd, dorsal subdivision of Sd (striatum homomog); Sdv, ventral subdivision of Sd (pallidum homolog); Sdp, posterior subdivision of Sd (subpallial amygdala homolog); SPV, supraopto-paraventricular region; Sv, larval ventral part of subpallium (septum homolog); TelCh, tela choroidea; Vi, intermediate nucleus of ventral telencephalon (medial amygdala homolog); VP, ventral pallium (pallial amygdala); VT, ventral thalamus (prethalamus). For gene names see text.

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