Figure 1
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- ZDB-FIG-221226-158
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- López-Cuevas et al., 2022 - Macrophage Reprogramming with Anti-miR223-Loaded Artificial Protocells Enhances In Vivo Cancer Therapeutic Potential
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miR223 inhibition reduces cancer progression in zebrafish. A) Pigmentation of the tailfin quantified by threshold analysis of tail region (red dotted outline) in 1‐month‐old cancerous Ras;WT versus Ras;miR223KO juvenile fish. B) Dot plot showing percentage of pigmentation quantified from the regions imaged in (A) and (1). C) Ras‐GFP expression in the tail area (red dotted outline) of 8‐month‐old cancerous Ras;WT versus equivalent Ras;miR223KO adult fish. D) Dot plot showing levels of Ras‐GFP expression as quantified by fluorescent pixel count (FPC) from the regions imaged in (C) and (2). E) 1‐year‐old cancerous Ras;WT versus Ras;miR223KO adult fish bearing (or not) a tumor mass (red outline) on their tail. F) Bar chart showing percentage of cancerous fish with or without a tail tumor quantified from the regions imaged in (E) and (3). G) Dot plot showing tumor area quantified from the regions imaged in (E) and (3). H) Bar chart showing percentage of cancerous Ras;WT versus Ras;miR223KO adult fish bearing tailfin tumors, and any additional tumor (or not), quantified from the regions imaged in (4)–(6). See also Figure |