a Representative confocal images (maximum projection of a 30 μm z-stack) of an HCR-FISH for dusp1 in a neuromast (10 larvae per condition, 30 neuromasts total and 3 biological replicates). b, c Representative confocal images (projection of a 30 μm z-stack) of HCR-FISH within the effector macrophages (arrows) for (b) il10ra and (c) fgl2a (12 larvae per conditions, 36 neuromasts total and 3 biological replicates) d, e Quantifications of the percentage of HCR + effector macrophages (MΦ) for (d) il10ra and (e) fgl2a (12 larvae per conditions, 36 neuromasts total and 3 biological replicates). For all graphs, data are represented as mean ± SD. f Integrated UMAP of the six datasets for the il10ra mutant. Cluster names are labeled on the UMAP. g Split UMAP per condition (il10ra ± and il10ra-/-). h Line plots representing the average expression for each time point between the il10ra mutant (cyan) and the sibling (red) from the scRNA-seq integrated dataset. i Model of independent activation of the three anti-inflammatory pathways in effector macrophages during the HC regeneration time course. Resting macrophages are represented in cyan. Purple arrows represent the independent induction of each macrophage activation state.