The TeO–DT circuit is necessary for social attraction.a, Schematic of the shoaling test after chemogenetic ablation. ctr., control. b, Two-photon image of 21 d.p.f. SAGFF(lf)81c:Gal4, UAS:NTR-mCherry and elavl3:H2B-GCaMP6s animals 24 h after ablation versus control treatment. Representative of three similar fish. c,d, Reduced neighbour density (c) and attraction (d) in 81c:NTR-ablated animals. Short-range repulsion is intact. n = 13 (ablated) and n = 15 (control) animals. The neighbour maps in c show the probability of finding the stimulus in space with the animal at the centre of the map, heading up. Each map is 60 mm × 60 mm. AU, arbitrary units. e, Schematic of volumetric two-photon imaging in the DT after 81c:NTR ablation. f, Mean and example ΔF traces of all DT-BPNs for ablated and control animals show that 81c:NTR ablation strongly reduces responses to bout-like motion. The vertical lines mark the start of stimulus presentation. The shaded areas denote 1 s.d. around the mean. n = 25 (ablated) and n = 849 (control). g,h, Fewer DT-BPNs in 81c:NTR (-ablated) animals. g, The anatomical location of all DT-BPNs across animals coloured by mean ΔF/F to bout-like motion. n = 25 (ablated) and n = 849 (control). The yellow area shows the DT. h, Quantification of DT-BPNs per animal. n = 7 (ablated) and 9 (control) animals. Cohen’s d effect size is shown. The P value was calculated using the two-sided Mann–Whitney U-test. i, Attraction is strongly reduced in s1026tEt:NTR-ablated animals. Short-range repulsion is intact. n = 7 (ablated), n = 21 (control) animals. j, Bilateral two-photon laser ablation of neurons in the DT-BPN region in juvenile zebrafish. k, Reduced attraction after DT laser ablation. n = 7 (ablated) and n = 9 (embedding control) animals. Short-range repulsion is intact. Data in d, h, i and k represent individual animals and mean ± 1 s.d. Cohen’s d effect size is shown. The P values were calculated using two-tailed Student’s t-tests with no correction. For b, e, g and j, scale bars, 100 µm. Source data.