Fig. 1

Thiruppathy et al., 2022 - Gill developmental program in the teleost mandibular arch
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Fig. 1

The zebrafish pseudobranch derives from mandibular arch mesenchyme and first pouch epithelia. (a), Schematic showing the pseudobranch (arrows), gill filaments (branched green structures) connected to gill bars (blue), teeth (purple), vasculature (pink), and jaw and jaw-support skeleton (gray). (b) Hematoxylin and Eosin-stained sections show emergence of the pseudobranch bud at 4 dpf (adapted from, five filaments at 17 dpf (adapted from, and the fused pseudobranch at 90 dpf (adapted from (c) Dissected adult pseudobranch shows the ophthalmic artery connecting it to the eye. (d) Alcian staining shows five cartilage rods in the pseudobranch and similar cartilage in gill primary filaments. (e) Photoconverted kikGR-expressing mesenchyme (red) from the dorsal first arch (numbered) at 1.5 dpf contributes to the palatoquadrate cartilage (pq) and pseudobranch mesenchyme (arrow) at 3.5 dpf. Photoconverted dorsal second arch cells do not contribute to the pseudobranch. In green, fli1a:GFP labels the vasculature and neural crest-derived mesenchyme, with mesenchyme also labeled by unconverted sox10:kikGR. (f) In fgf10:nEOS embryos, photoconversion of first pouch endoderm (numbered) at 1.5 dpf labels the pseudobranch epithelium (arrow) at 5 dpf. n numbers denote experimental replicates in which similar contributions were observed. Scale bars, 50 µm.

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