(A) MO-tcap results in specific phenotypes: images of 36 hpf wild-type zebrafish and weak and severe phenotypes of the LGMD2G zebrafish model. (B) Tcap is expressed at an early stage of embryonic development. (C) Dose-dependent effect of MO-Tcap. Coinjection of the wild-type human TCAP mRNA reduced the percentage of the animals with the phenotype at 0.3 pmol, while the mutant TCAP mRNA did not. (D) Tcap deficiency causes muscular dystrophy-like phenotypes. The anti-F59 antibody stained muscle fibers in green. COMO fish presented a V-shaped myoseptum and normal sarcomere architecture (red line in a). Tcap knockdown zebrafish exhibited a U-shaped myoseptum (red line in b) that was discontinuous or missing in some regions (white arrows in c and d), and the myofibers grew through adjacent somites. Scale bar, 20 mm. (E) Electron microscopy images of control zebrafish (a and b) and tcap knockdown zebrafish (c and d). Red arrows indicate normal mitochondria in b and dysmorphic mitochondria in d.