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- ZDB-FIG-220205-24
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- Song et al., 2022 - Disruption of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor but Not EGF Blocks Follicle Activation in Zebrafish Ovary
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Progressive degeneration of follicles and sex reversal to males in egfra−/− females. Follicles in egfra−/− ovaries underwent progressive degeneration from 6 to 12 mpf. While the follicles were degenerating, the inter-follicular spaces were gradually occupied by somatic stromal cells, an early sign of masculinization. Testicular tissues with spermatogenic cells started to appear at 9 mpf and increased progressively afterward. By comparison, the ovaries of control egfra+/− females were filled with follicles of all developmental stages from PG to FG during the period. PG, primary growth; PV, previtellogenic; MV, mid-vitellogenic; LV, late vitellogenic; FG, full-grown; SG, spermatogonia; SC, spermatocytes; SZ, spermatozoa; T, testis tissue; O, degenerating oocytes. |