Depletion of Rcl1 impairs the maturation of 18S rRNA. (A) Analysis of total RNA from 5dpf-old rcl1hi2452 and rcl1zju1 mutants and their WT-phenotype siblings and also WT embryos by Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. (B) Statistic analysis of the ratios of mature 28S/18S rRNA in 5dpf-old rcl1hi2452 (hi2452) and rcl1zju1 (zju1) mutants and their WT-phenotype siblings (sibling) and also WT based on the data from Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. **P < 0.01. (C) Schematic drawing showing the structure of the zebrafish pre-rRNA and the relative positions of probes (5′ETS-1, ITS1-1, ITS2-1) designed for northern blot analysis of different pre-rRNA intermediates. The 18S, 5.8S and 28S mature rRNAs are indicated as white, gray and black boxes, respectively. (D) Northern blot analysis of pre-rRNA intermediates in 5dpf-old WT, rcl1hi2452 (hi2452) and rcl1zju1 (zju1) mutant embryos using the 5′ETS-1, ITS1-1 and ITS2-1 probes. Methylene blue staining of 28S rRNA: loading control. The pre-rRNA intermediates are highlighted to the left as a, b, c and d, respectively. To facilitate the comparison, same samples were reloaded three times on the same gel for electrophoresis. The filter was cut and subjected to the northern blot analysis using the 5′ETS-1, ITS1-1 and ITS2-1 probes, respectively.