Model of Collagen type XI. A Collagen type XI molecule. Structural regions of the type XI collagen molecule are indicated including the signal peptide, amino terminal propeptide, variable region, the minor helix, the amino telopeptide, the major triple helix, the carboxy telopeptide, and the carboxy propeptide. Relative size and dimensions are shown above the molecular model. B Three alpha chains: α1(XI), α2(XI), and α3(XI). C Formation of triple helical molecule is initiated at the C-terminus. D Fully assembled triple helical collagen molecule with carboxyl propeptide. E Potential cleavage events, with carboxy propeptide removed, with amino propeptide removed at the BMP-1 cleavage site (35 kDa), and finally, with the ADAMTS2 cleavage site within the amino telopeptide indicated by the vertical dotted line that would release the major triple helix and generate a fragment containing the amino propeptide and variable region (100 kDa). F Exon structure of Col11a1a, indicating alternatively spliced isoforms. G Epitope sequence unique to the new antibody. This sequence is encoded by exon 5 which is present in all spliceforms. NTD amino terminal domain, Npp amino propeptide domain, VR variable region, mh minor helix, N-tp amino telopeptide, MH major triple helix, C-tp carboxy telopeptide, Cpp carboxy propeptide