Figure 6
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-210726-46
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- Isles et al., 2021 - Pioneer neutrophils release chromatin within in vivo swarms
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(A) Schematic of the lyz:H2A.mCherry construct made by Gateway cloning, which includes the neutrophil specific promoter (lyz), and the histone H2A gene fused to the fluorescent protein mCherry flanked by Tol2 arms to aid transgenesis. (B, C) Representative image of the stable TgBAC(mpx:GFP)i114;Tg(lyz:H2A.mCherry)sh530 transgenic line. (B) Image shows the caudal haematopoietic tissue of a 3 dpf sh530 larvae, where the H2A mCherry transgene is expressed in neutrophils. (C) 40× confocal image of the transgenic line, showing neutrophil histones labelled by the transgene. (D) Representative example of NET release from swarming neutrophils from six larvae. Time course of Tg(mpx:GFP)i114;Tg(lyz:h2az2a-mCherry,cmlc2:GFP)sh530 larva showing a single neutrophil and histone H2A (white arrows), undergoing NET-like morphological changes where histones are released from the centre of swarms in cytoplasmic vesicles. Time stamps are hh:mm:ss relative to time post injury. (E) A second example timelapse showing that histones are extruded from the nucleus during the cytoplasmic balloon release. |