Cilia formation is largely normal in alms1 mutants.(A) Representative images of the otic vesicle of a 24 hpf wild-type (left) and alms1 mutant (center) zebrafish embryo stained with acetylated tubulin. The arrows point to the cilia of the early hair cells. To the right is quantification of cilia length. There was no significant difference in average kinocilia length between wild-type and mutant zebrafish, however, there was more variation in length seen in alms1 mutants. (p = 0.0065 by F test to compare variances) (B) Representative images of the IO1 neuromast stained with acetylated tubulin in wild-type (left) and alms1 mutant (center) 5dpf zebrafish larvae. The brackets show the position of the kinocilia. Kinocilia appear grossly normal in alms1 mutant fish. To the right is quantification of IO1 kinocilia length. There was no significant difference between wild-type and mutant zebrafish (p = 0.1312 by an unpaired t-test) (C) Representative images of the olfactory pit stained with acetylated tubulin in wild-type (left) and alms1 mutant (center) 5dpf zebrafish larvae. Again cilia appear grossly normal in alms1 mutants. To the right is quantification of cilia length in the olfactory pit. There was no significant difference between wild-type and mutant zebrafish (p = 0.9247 by unpaired t-test). Scale bar for all images = 10 μm. Quantification graphs show individual data points along with the mean and standard deviation of the data, n = 10 fish per group.