Fig. 6
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- ZDB-FIG-210316-38
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- Dalgin et al., 2020 - Midline morphogenesis of zebrafish foregut endoderm is dependent on Hoxb5b
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Hoxb5b function in the endoderm is not necessary for midline coalescence of the foregut endoderm. Cell transplantation approach: Tg (sox17:EGFP) embryos were used to follow the fate of endodermal cells in chimeric embryos. (A) Confocal image of a Sox32 morphant embryo; these lack endoderm and were used as hosts. (B) Tg (sox17:EGFP) donor embryos were injected with sox32 mRNA, or (C) together with Hoxb5b morpholino. Donor cells were transplanted into endoderm-deficient Sox32 morphant hosts. Whole mount immunolabeling for GFP (green), Myosin to label somites (magenta) and nuclear marker (blue). Both wild-type (WT) (B) and Hoxb5b morphant (C) donor cells reconstitute a normal gut in Sox32 morphant hosts (A). Anterior to the left, results are from 2 independent experiments with a minimum of 4 embryos per group. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 471, Dalgin, G., Prince, V.E., Midline morphogenesis of zebrafish foregut endoderm is dependent on Hoxb5b, 1-9, Copyright (2020) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.