Effects of Polg mutation on heart and gonads of adult zebrafish.A Cardiac EE histology shows a clear reduction of the thickness of the trabecular network in mutant hearts; a atrium, cm compact myocardium, t trabeculae, v ventricle. B Ovarian EE histology detects oocyte maturation defects in mutant females; black arrowheads indicate debris of atretic follicles. po primary oocyte, cao cortical-alveolar oocyte, vo vitellogenic oocyte. C Testicular EE histology detects a reduced amount of spermatozoa (sp) in mutant males. Concentration (D), velocity (E) and viability (F) of ejaculated sperm. Depicted is mean ± SEM. ***p < 0.001; N = 10, in triplicate. G Illustrative image of fluorescence staining evidencing a higher amount of dead (red) over alive (green) sperm in polgsa9574/sa9574 males.