Figure 3.

Loss of <italic>npvf</italic> does not enhance the <italic>tph2</italic> mutant sleep phenotype.

(A–D) Sleep for npvf +/-; tph2 +/- (black), npvf -/-; tph2 +/- (dark blue), npvf +/-; tph2 -/- (gray), and npvf -/-; tph2 -/- (light blue) siblings. The graph on the left shows data for all four genotypes. The three other graphs show the same data as separate pair-wise comparisons. (E) Box plots quantify sleep during the day (left) and night (right). White boxes indicate day. Black boxes and gray shading indicate night. Data during the fifth day and night of development from four experiments combined is shown. n = number of animals. ns p>0.05, *p<0.05, ***p<0.005, Two-way ANOVA with Holm-Sidak test for each indicated pair-wise comparison. The comparison in red indicates no significant difference between npvf +/-; tph2 -/- and npvf -/-; tph2 -/- siblings.

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