Elevated Marcksl1 expression level increases blood vessel diameter.a, d Plasmid constructs encoding GAL4FF/UAS-driven expression of wildtype or mutated Marcksl1a (a) and Marcksl1b (d) proteins trailed by a self-cleaving T2A peptide fused to mKate2-CAAX. b, e Maximum intensity projection of confocal z-stacks of ISVs of 2 dpf Tg(fli1:GAL4FF)ubs3;Tg(fli1ep:Lifeact-EGFP)zf495 or Tg(fli1:GAL4FF)ubs3;Tg(fli1:myr-EGFP)ncv2 embryos expressing constructs encoding wildtype or mutated Marcksl1a (b) and Marcksl1b (e). Marcksl1 overexpressing cells are in magenta (cells expressing mKate2-CAAX). Arrows indicate dilated vessel. c Quantification of aISV, vISV and DLAV diameter in control and Marcksl1a-overexpressing blood vessels (control: n = 60 aISVs/51 vISVs/54 DLAVs from 85 embryos; wildtype Marcksl1a: n = 17 aISVs/16 vISVs/16 DLAVs from 25 embryos; Marcksl1aΔED: n = 16 aISVs/20 vISVs/16 DLAVs from 24 embryos; Marcksl1a-T124A: n = 43 aISVs/44 vISVs/35 DLAVs from 33 embryos; Marcksl1a-T124D: n = 43 aISVs/32 vISVs/24 DLAVs from 29 embryos). f Quantification of aISV, vISV and DLAV diameter in control and Marcksl1b-overexpressing vessels (control: n = 62 aISVs/35 vISVs/67 DLAVs from 47 embryos; wildtype Marcksl1b: n = 23 aISVs/14 vISVs/20 DLAVs from 24 embryos; Marcksl1bΔED: n = 21 aISVs/22 vISVs/25 DLAVs from 23 embryos; Marcksl1b-T162A: n = 31 aISVs/15 vISVs/22 DLAVs from 21 embryos; Marcksl1b-T162D: n = 54 aISVs/42 vISVs/34 DLAVs from 34 embryos). Violin plots represent the entire range of values, dotted lines indicate first and third quartiles, center lines are median. Mean values are indicated. Data are collected from 2 (Marcksl1bΔED), 3 (Marcksl1a-T124A, Marcksl1a-T124D, Marcksl1b-T162A and Marcksl1b-T162D) and 4 (Marcksl1aΔED, wildtype Marcksl1a and Marcksl1b) independent experiments and analyzed by ordinary one-way ANOVA with Sidak’s multiple comparisons test. ED effector domain; DLAV dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel; ISV intersegmental vessel; aISV arterial ISV; vISV venous ISV. Scale bars, 20 µm. Source data are provided as a Source data file.