Functional validation of candidate genes in zebrafish. a Phenotype of controls and morphants. Single genes and combinations of genes targeted by splicing morpholinos are indicated on the left. Upper panels: gross appearance of 48 hpf zebrafish embryos. Lower panel: examples of cardiac phenotypes of 48 hpf wt, control, and morphant embryos. Hearts were visualized by ISH with a probe against the cardiac marker myl7. b Quantification of phenotypes in wt, controls, morphants, and mRNA rescued morphants. Note the combinatorial effects on cardiac phenotypes when more than one gene is affected. c, d Expression of mef2cb in 10 somite stage zebrafish embryos, analyzed by qRT-PCR (c) and ISH (d). ISH staining intensity was quantified and analyzed using Student’s T test. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01