Development of a CRISPR/Cas9 cdipt mutant zebrafish.A) Schematic representation of phosphoinositide signaling pathway. CDIPT catalyzes the addition of the myo-inositol to the CDP-DAG to generate PI, which is the base precursor for all species of PIPs. B) Schematic representing exon organization of cdipt. Exon 3 was targeted by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing. C) Sanger sequencing of wildtype (WT) and homozygous cdipt mutant (MUT) larvae showing a 10-bp deletion in exon 3 of cdipt. D) Fold change of mRNA levels between WT and MUT fish at both 3 dpf and 6 dpf. There is a significant change in cdipt mRNA levels between WT and MUT zebrafish at both 3 dpf (0.5-fold reduction; *p = 0.0035) and 6 dpf (0.6-fold reduction; **p = 0.0073). Each replicate is represented by a point, n = 30 per replicate; Student’s t test, 2-tailed. Error bars indicate SEM.