Fig. S4

Yan et al., 2019 - Visualizing Engrafted Human Cancer and Therapy Responses in Immunodeficient Zebrafish
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Fig. S4

Combination Treatment of Temozolomide and Olaparib PARP Inhibitor Reduces Growth of Human Ewing’s Sarcoma and Rhabdomyosarcoma in vivo, Related to Figure 4 Plasma concentration of olaparib (A) or temozolomide (B) when orally gavaged into adult zebrafish (red, n = 25 fish/time point) and compared with previously published mouse (blue) and human studies (green). (C) Merged fluorescence and brightfield images of prkdc−/−, il2rga−/− animals engrafted with EGFP+ A673 Ewing’s sarcoma cells. Animals were imaged at 0 and 7 days post transplant (dpt, prior to drug administration) and at 28 dpt (after three cycles of drug administration). (D) Quantization of relative growth as assessed by fluorescence intensity changes over time. Individual animals are denoted. (E) Waterfall plot showing the same data but depicted by relative growth from day 0 until day 28. ∗∗∗p < 0.001, Student’s t test (n = 5). Not significant (NS). Merged fluorescence and brightfield images of prkdc−/−, il2rga−/− animals engrafted with EGFP+ Rh41 cells (F). Whole-animal imaging of engrafted animal at 0 and 7 dpt (prior to drug administration, F, left) and 28 dpt (after three cycles of drug dosing, F, right). Hematoxylin and eosin (G), Ki67 (H), and TUNEL (I) stained sections of fish engrafted with Rh41 RMS cells (n ≥ 3 animals/treatment). Scale bar represents 0.25 cm (C and F) and 50 μm (G–I).

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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Reprinted from Cell, 177(7), Yan, C., Brunson, D.C., Tang, Q., Do, D., Iftimia, N.A., Moore, J.C., Hayes, M.N., Welker, A.M., Garcia, E.G., Dubash, T.D., Hong, X., Drapkin, B.J., Myers, D.T., Phat, S., Volorio, A., Marvin, D.L., Ligorio, M., Dershowitz, L., McCarthy, K.M., Karabacak, M.N., Fletcher, J.A., Sgroi, D.C., Iafrate, J.A., Maheswaran, S., Dyson, N.J., Haber, D.A., Rawls, J.F., Langenau, D.M., Visualizing Engrafted Human Cancer and Therapy Responses in Immunodeficient Zebrafish, 1903-1914.e14, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell