Fig. 5
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- ZDB-FIG-200224-1
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- Shaw et al., 2018 - Stable transgenic C9orf72 zebrafish model key aspects of the ALS/FTD phenotype and reveal novel pathological features
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C9orf72 model zebrafish show early motor deficits, behavioural defects and reduced viability. (a) When kept under dark conditions, no difference is observed in the proportion of times fish transition into a slow movement (left) or intermediate movement (middle). However, the proportion of transitions into fast movements is significantly reduced in 2.2–7 zebrafish. N = 60 individual fish per genotype, from 3 different clutches. (b) Representative images of the plate set-up used to monitor centre avoidance behaviour in zebrafish. 30 fish were placed in each well and one image every minute was analysed. Image shown as recorded (top) and then following removal of the region around the edge of the plate for analysis (bottom). In these images 2.2–7 are placed across the top 3 wells and NTG across the bottom 3 wells. (c) Quantification of centre avoidance behaviour showing 2.2–7 zebrafish are significantly less often found in the plate centre. N = 6 clutches per genotype. (d) Survival of zebrafish did not change by 5dpf, however by 15dpf survival of the 2.2–7 line was significantly reduced compared to NTG. N = 4 clutches per genotype. (e) At 30dpf 2.2–7 zebrafish have reduced average body weight in comparison to their NTG clutch mates. N = 3 clutches per genotype. (f) At 30dpf there was no difference in average body weight between 2.2–2 zebrafish and their NTG clutch mates. N = 3 clutches per genotype. All data are shown as mean +/− standard deviation; * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001 and **** P < 0.0001 |
Fish: | |
Observed In: | |
Stage Range: | Day 5 to Days 30-44 |