Nitroreductase (NTR)-mediated β-cell ablation induces acute hyperglycemia. A: schematic outline of treatment schedule. MTZ, metronidazole. B and C: treatment of 5-days postfertilization (dpf) ins:NTR fish for 2 days with 10 mM MTZ leads to selective ablation of pancreatic β-cells (C), which are unaffected by DMSO alone (B, red, arrow). D: following the schedule of treatment described in A, there was a significant difference in blood glucose levels in MTZ-treated compared with control fish. *P = 0.0239. E and F: lateral view of non-ins:NTR, Tg(nkx2.2a:megfp); Tg(NBT;DsRed) fish treated with DMSO or DMSO + 10 mM MTZ to determine possible off-target effects of MTZ. NTR, nitroreductase; NBT, neural-specific β-tubulin; megfp, monomeric enhanced green fluorescent protein; DsRed, Discosomared. No differences were observed. Scale bar = 50 μm.