Automated imaging of an ift172-MO-based zebrafish model for human cystic kidney disease. (A–D) Dorsal views on pronephric areas in the Tg(wt1b:EGFP) embryos. Scale bar is 50 µm. (E–H) Bright-field stereo microscope images of the dose–response curve of ift172-MO on 72 hpf zebrafish larvae. Scale bar is 250 µm. (A,E) wild-type, (B,F) 50 µM ift172-MO, (C,G) 100 µM ift172-MO, and (D,H) 500 µM ift172-MO. (I,K) Overlay images of bright-field and fluorescence channels depicting wild-type and cystic pronephric phenotypes acquired with a 10x objective. Scale bar for I is 100 µm and J is 50 µm. (J,L) Enlarged fluorescent 10x views of I and K. (M,N) Montage images illustrating (M) overlay images or (N) pronephric areas of dorsally oriented larvae in a microtiter plate.